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The Kentown Wizard Foundation supports Whizz-Kidz

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The Kentown Wizard Foundation supports Whizz-Kidz

June 2021 –

Whizz-Kidz is a UK based charity whose mission is for the lives of all young wheelchair users to be full of fun, friendship and freedom. They supply vital mobility equipment across the UK and support young wheelchair users through skills training and clubs.

They believe that every young disabled person has the right to a fun and active childhood and the chance to develop their full potential. Unfortunately, many disabled children are still waiting for their childhoods to start, as they struggle to get a wheelchair that meets all their needs.

It is with this in mind, that The Kentown Wizard Foundation will be supporting Whizz-Kidz with a grant of £250,000 to not only transform the lives of these children but to also support them in becoming confident and independent young adults.

Seth Bara – Senior Grants and Development Manager said
“We are extremely grateful to The Kentown Wizard Foundation for their incredible generosity. This support will mean that young wheelchair users across the north of England will be able to receive life-changing mobility equipment sooner. That means more opportunities to go out as a family; to see friends; to be more independent. The opportunity to have a childhood like any other child.”

Charity Registration number: 802872 (England and Wales) and SC042607 (Scotland)